2022-2023 CSIP
Comprehensive Improvement Plan for Clay County Area Technology Center 2022-2023
Rationale: School and district improvement efforts focus on student needs through a collaborative process involving all stakeholders to establish and address priority needs, district funding, and closing achievement gaps between identified subgroups of students. Additionally, schools and districts build upon their capacity for high-quality planning by making connections between academic resources and available funding to address targeted needs.
Operational definitions of each area within the plan:
Goal: Long-term three to five-year target based on required goals.
Objective: Short-term target to be attained by the end of the current school year.
Strategy: Research-based approach designed to systematically address the process, practice or condition that the school/district will focus its efforts upon in order to reach its goals/objectives.
Activity: The actionable steps used to deploy the chosen strategy.
Measure of Success: the criteria that you believe shows the impact of our work. The measures may be quantifiable or qualitative, but they are observable in some way. Without data on what is being accomplished by our deliberate actions, we have little or no foundation for decision-making or improvement.
Progress Monitoring: is used to assess the plan performance, to quantify a rate of improvement based on goals and objectives, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.
Guidelines for Building an Improvement Plan:
There are three (3) required ATC goals: Accountability, Work Based Learning, and Instruction
There can be multiple objectives for each goal.
There can be multiple strategies for each objective.
There can be multiple activities for each strategy.
1: Accountability
Goal 1: Increase the percentage of 12th grade students that earn an approved Industry Certification, pass an approved End of Program assessment, earn Dual Credit and/or successfully complete a qualifying Work Based Learning experience to at least 75% by June 2026.
Which Strategy will the school use to address this goal? |
Which Activities will the school/district deploy based on the strategy or strategies chosen?
Identify the timeline for the activity or activities, the person(s) responsible for ensuring the fidelity of the activity or activities, and necessary funding to execute the activity or activities.
Objective |
Strategy |
Activities to deploy strategy |
Measure of Success |
Progress Monitoring Date & Notes |
Funding |
Objective 1:
By May 2023, teachers will have identified pathways congruent to regional employment needs, sequenced pathway courses utilizing POS, created curriculum maps and aligned appropriate ICs, EOPs, DC and WBL. |
Lead professional development with teachers to create curriculum maps and align lessons with POS and industry certification/EOP standards while increasing work-based learning and dual credit opportunities. |
Work with teachers to align curriculum to standards through PLCs, TUTs, NTI, KACTE Summer Conference and other available PD. |
Review of lesson plans and pacing guides. Test/Item Analyses when possible. |
Principal & Teachers-Ongoing /Weekly |
varies |
Ensure that teachers are utilizing the correct industry certifications and end of program assessments each year. |
Certifications earned reflect approved industry certification list and leads to an increased number of students receiving appropriate industry certifications. |
School level – weekly District level –Annual data pull |
Free & reduced lunch and Perkins for industry certification |
Monitor instruction through walkthroughs and curriculum maps/lesson plans. |
Data collection and analysis (walkthrough documents and PLC minutes) |
Principal-Ongoing/Weekly |
$0 |
Objective 2:
By February of 2023, principals and teachers will communicate postsecondary readiness measures to appropriate stakeholders as well as plans to achieve postsecondary readiness goals.
Collaborate with all stake holders based upon data/evidence that is related to their needs/goals reflected in PIPs/CSIP and students’ postsecondary plans in order to help them stay on track with courses/credentials leading to postsecondary successes. |
Host steering and advisory council meetings to discuss progress/concerns/initiatives and ways to collaborate. |
Attendance/Minutes |
Every 6 months |
@ $500 annually for food |
Attend various education and community functions and present information. |
Attendance/Feedback |
Ongoing |
NA |
Create open lines of communication with feeder schools regarding school/program needs, which leads to successful attainment of postsecondary readiness credentials. |
Students enrolled in correct courses following a sequential order and TEDS reports. |
Annually and as needed. |
$0 |
Objective 3:
By January 2023, all schools will have a system in place to maintain data for program and school level postsecondary readiness statuses. |
Utilize calculator (or other tool) to calculate data providing a means to analyze and determine next steps. |
Use TEDS reports, Excel Data Calculator, Test Reports. |
Postsecondary Readiness Goal is Met. |
Ongoing |
$0 |
After calculating and analyzing data, all staff will take responsibility for their students and their progression through program as well as mastery of postsecondary readiness measures. |
Name and Claim List with updates on progress |
As data is available |
NA |
Through training and discussions, determine strategies that will boost student successes, thus boost transition readiness scores. |
Goals and Plans per schools area (PIPs) |
As data is available |
2: Work Based Learning
Goal 2: Increase the percentage of 12th grade concentrator students who have successfully completed a Work Based Learning experience to 40% by June 2026.
Which Strategy will the school use to address this goal? |
Which Activities will the school/district deploy based on the strategy or strategies chosen?
Identify the timeline for the activity or activities, the person(s) responsible for ensuring the fidelity of the activity or activities, and necessary funding to execute the activity or activities.
Objective |
Strategy |
Activities to deploy strategy |
Measure of Success |
Progress Monitoring Date & Notes |
Funding |
Objective 1:
Increase the number of 12th grade students successfully completing a work-based learning experience during their course progression through a pathway including job shadowing, internship, co-op, apprenticeship, TRACK, school-based enterprise, clinical experiences, etc. |
Increase the number of WBL agreements with business and industry |
Educate community/stakeholders/Instructors/districts/students on WBL benefits and implementation. |
Documentation of meetings and trainings |
Field consultants during site visits |
$0 |
Assist with Background checks as needed. |
Increased number of partners |
OCTE leadership - ongoing |
Varies by school |
Ensure teachers and principals are adhering to the WBL manual. |
Utilize WBL manual documentation for each student’s experience. |
Correct forms on file. |
Annually |
NA |
Discuss WBL opportunities with students and motivate them to set goals for successful completion in WBL. |
Large group, small group and one-on-one conferences with students.
Increased number of WBL experiences. |
Annually |
NA |
Attend and assist with registration activities. |
Students registered in appropriate pathways. |
Annually |
NA |
3: Instructional
Goal 3: Increase the number of teachers implementing successful Project Based Learning plans to a minimum of 75% of all teachers in all schools completing a minimum of one per year by June 2026.
Which Strategy will the school use to address this goal?
Which Activities will the school/district deploy based on the strategy or strategies chosen?
Identify the timeline for the activity or activities, the person(s) responsible for ensuring the fidelity of the activity or activities, and necessary funding to execute the activity or activities.
Objective |
Strategy |
Activities to deploy strategy |
Measure of Success |
Progress Monitoring Date & Notes |
Funding |
Objective 1:
Each school will have 75% of experienced teachers (4 years of more) to implement at least one PBL lesson per year by June 30, 2024. |
Provide training and support for PBL. |
PBL training will continue to be an integral part of NTI. |
Documentation of training |
NTI Director ongoing |
varies |
Consistently add teachers yearly until all teachers are implementing at least one PBL plan per year. (Consideration given to schools with new teachers.) |
Increase or maintain implementation |
Yearly by principals and field consultants |
varies |
Develop and share PBL plans with ATC’s. |
Documentation of PBL sharing |
OCTE staff ongoing |
$0 |
Market PBL successes. |
ATC’s will share PBL successes with stakeholders via social media and other means. |
Documentation of meeting/presentations with/to stakeholders |
Principals, Teachers, OCTE Staff |
$0 |
Create a bank of shared PBL plans. |
Utilize Google Classroom ‘Watercooler’ as a source for shared projects. |
Uploaded projects. |
Principals, Teachers, OCTE Staff—ongoing |
$0 |